What are the SYS() commands in Omnis?

This is a document that will be built up as we find items to add to it. Basically it is a list of the undocuments sys() commands within Omnis.

sys(2000) pause timer start again with sys(2002)
sys(2001) set timer to 0
sys(2002) start the timer
sys(2003) print a report Prints a report of the current timer to the screen.
sys(2010)Loaded FormatsGet name/status/size of each loaded format.  
Set current list lTemp     ;; Use temp list because fFormats contains additional fields
Calculate #F as sys(2010)
Redefine list {fFormat_Name,fFormat_Status,fFormat_Size}
sys(2011)Loaded VariablesGet notation/datasize/dictionarysize of each var group in memory.
Set current list lTemp     ;; Use temp list to get 30 largest variable groups
Calculate #F as sys(2011)   
Redefine list {fVar_Notation,fVar_DataSize,fVar_DictSize}
sys(3000) Trace to file start The first time you issue a sys(3000) during a session of Omnis, Omnis creates a sequential log file that is named SEQLOG#.TXT, where # is a number. The file is created in the sys(115) directory. Each time you quit and restart Omnis, the next time you issue a sys(3000) Omnis will start a new trace log file. The file name will have the next sequential number appended to it. e.g. SEQLOGO.TXT, SEQLOGO1.TXT, SEQLOGO2.TXT
Omnis then writes the trace log messages to that file.
The first time you issue a sys(3000) during a session of Omnis, Omnis give you an OK message telling you the trace log file name. Subsquent uses of sys(3000) during the same session of Omnis do not trigger the OK message.
The sys(3000) function is very useful thing if you have a procedure that crashes Omnis. By issuing sys(3000) and then running the code which causes Omnis to crash, you can then open the trace log file and get some hints as to when in your methods the crash is occurring.
sys(3001) Stop trace file Stop trace to file. See sys(3000) for more information.
sys(4019) Externals browser Opens the External components Browser